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eCommerce Search Enrichment

How Can eCommerce Search Enrichment Help Boost Revenue?

If customers can’t find a product within a search or two, they’ll assume you don’t have it. If that happens again for another product they’re looking for, the customer will likely leave entirely with the takeaway that you don’t meet their needs. The average eCommerce transaction has 4.41 items in
Digital Shelf Analytics

What Is Digital Shelf Analytics: Components, Metrics, & Best Practices

eCommerce businesses face a highly competitive, dynamic landscape of consumer trends, competition, and overarching market forces. Succeeding in this environment is challenging, and the difficulty is only increasing. Marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart are where much of the battle for customers plays out — on digital shelves. In brick-and-mortar stores,
Why is Product Taxonomy So Important for eCommerce

Why is Product Taxonomy So Important for eCommerce

Product taxonomy is an essential element of any eCommerce business. It helps to ensure better navigation of products and can assist in search engine optimization, as well as product management. Investing in a well-defined taxonomy can pay off in the long run as it can help to increase visibility, rankings,
The Ultimate Guide to Pricing Research: Unveiling Key Strategies for Success

The Ultimate Guide to Pricing Research: Unveiling Key Strategies for Success

Pricing decisions can make or break a business, and conducting effective pricing research is essential for success. In this guide, we will explore various strategies and techniques to help you optimize your pricing and outperform your competitors. The Importance of Pricing Research Pricing research plays a vital role in understanding
eCommerce catalog enhancement is a process that uses digital channels to gather customer information from shopping carts, web analytics, customer feedback, and other sources.

How to Optimize your products with Catalog Enhancement

We know that optimizing your product catalog can be a daunting task, but it is essential for the success of your business. A well-optimized catalog can lead to higher sales, increased customer satisfaction, and better search engine rankings. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and tricks
AI in Inventory Management

AI in Inventory Management: Optimize Stock Levels for Increased Sales and Reduced Costs

Inventory management is a critical component of any business, and it can significantly impact a company’s bottom line. Maintaining the right balance between too much and too little stock is a constant challenge. Excess inventory ties up capital and can lead to obsolescence, while insufficient inventory can result in lost
Drive Conversions With Well-described Product Content

Drive Conversions With Well-described Product Content

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a major shift in consumer purchasing habits. Due to the risk in visiting retail locations, customers who were accustomed to purchasing products in brick-and-mortar stores have switched to online buying.  In order to compensate for the inability to physically view and inspect products, online retailers
price benchmarking

Price Benchmarking: The Secret to Competitive Offerings and Deals

As a business owner, pricing your products and services can be a daunting task. You want to be competitive in your industry, but you also need to make a profit. That’s where price benchmarking comes in. By setting the right pricing benchmarks, you can ensure that your prices are competitive

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