How Can eCommerce Search Enrichment Help Boost Revenue?

eCommerce Search Enrichment

If customers can’t find a product within a search or two, they’ll assume you don’t have it. If that happens again for another product they’re looking for, the customer will likely leave entirely with the takeaway that you don’t meet their needs.

The average eCommerce transaction has 4.41 items in the cart, but if they have trouble finding even one of them, potential customers might leave entirely instead of converting. But the problem isn’t always about available products — it’s often about how data is structured, searched, and displayed.

eCommerce search enrichment aims to solve this problem by leveraging additional data about the user, like past searches, intelligently applying filters, and benefitting from enriched product data.

The result: potential customers will easily find what they’re looking for, and if you don’t have it, they’ll still find the closest equivalent you offer. And yet, 71% of sites require users to search by the exact phrasing or industry jargon the site uses, which potential customers won’t always know.

So, how can search enrichment benefit your entire eCommerce business? Keep reading as we break down the moving pieces of search enrichment and the rewards it brings to eCommerce stores and marketplaces.

What is eCommerce Search Enrichment?

At its core, eCommerce search enrichment aims to provide accurate, personalized results to visitor searches that encourage clicks and conversions. The nuts and bolts of search enrichment require enhancing each listing’s data, adopting the right search technologies, and intelligently leveraging user data.

When done successfully, visitors have a much lower chance of believing you can’t meet their needs if you can. And even if you don’t have exactly what they want, they’ll be recommended instead if you have any similar products.

Core Components of eCommerce Search Enrichment

eCommerce search enrichment helps customers find what they’re looking for, but the behind-the-scenes components aren’t simple. Rather than basic search technologies based mainly on keywords used for searches, search enrichment leverages the following methods to fine-tune results:

  • Product data enrichment: Data enrichment in marketplaces calls for strengthening each product’s tags, description, attributes, and other necessary details to help search engines provide more accurate results. Thanks to new tools that streamline and improve every listing’s data, this practice doesn’t have to be a time-intensive manual process.
  • Personalization and recommendations: Treating every search as it exists in a vacuum leads to static, possibly inaccurate results. Instead, leveraging available data about the user, including past searches, previous purchases, and individual information like clothing size, can go far in displaying applicable products every time. Recommendations are also included in search results based on the same data.
  • Visual search: Computer vision has come a long way, and along with it, visual search has become increasingly popular and often expected. A picture is worth a thousand words; sometimes, searching with an image or screenshot is easier than figuring out how to search for it with text.
  • Multisearch: Multisearch calls for letting customers search however they like. This capability includes visual search and extends to texts, voice, or even video. As a result, searching for the right product can be much easier and even fun. You’ll also enhance the accessibility of your store to those who may need or prefer extra options beyond text.
  • Automatic product filters: A dropdown with product filters is a powerful way to help users sort through a large catalog of products. Making a wide range of filters available is necessary — you can go a step further with automatic filtering based on user data. For example, if you sell apparel, you can automatically filter out products that are too large or small. You won’t waste user attention on products that simply don’t make sense for them.

Business Benefits of eCommerce Search Enrichment

What benefits can your business expect after enriching searches? While an ongoing process, there are several valuable rewards you’ll likely experience soon after you get started. So, let’s break down the top business benefits that make search enrichment well worth the time and resources. 

Enhance Customer Experience

Easily finding what you’re searching for begins the customer journey with a frictionless experience of finding what they’re after. With that positive start, they’re ready to click through to the product listing and learn more about your product.

What about without search enrichment? You risk requiring the customer to search repeatedly to find something that should’ve appeared the first time. They might get frustrated and leave, and if not, you’re still fighting an uphill battle to win them over.

Boost Conversion Rates

Visitors who can quickly find what they’re looking for are primed to make their purchase. It’s like if you’re hungry on a road trip and there’s a fast food restaurant right off the highway — it’s easy to become a paying customer.

Extending that metaphor, what if you have to drive all the way into town and look around for a restaurant with a drive-through, and then you start wondering if there even is a good option for you in the area. You’ll pretty quickly head back to the interstate.

A frictionless experience of finding what you want naturally leads to continuing the buyer’s journey and becoming a customer. There is no need to look elsewhere to find what you need because you already found it. 

Gain a Competitive Advantage 

Competition in the eCommerce space is increasingly challenging. Enterprise eCommerce search enrichment is a significant competitive edge, where winning a customer often means higher value carts and repeat business.

However, the competitive edge isn’t just for enterprises; stores and marketplaces of all sizes will be more appealing than the rest when offering a seamless search experience. Search enrichment creates a better user experience, helping convert and retain customers while keeping them away from competitors. 

Best Practices for Effective eCommerce Product Data Enrichment 

One critical component of search enrichment is product data enrichment. Managing and enhancing all available product data effectively allows searches to parse structured and unstructured data.

So, let’s explore vital best practices to manage and optimize product data to help enrich user searches.

Start with Best-Selling Items

What are your main products, which are the cornerstone of your revenue? These products are an ideal starting point for enriching product data with optimized descriptions, rich tagging, and keyword-rich details.

Additionally, look for any missing or incomplete data in these products, which can harm search results and off-site indexing. Flesh out product data with every possible data point to give users and third parties the best chance of understanding everything you offer.

From there, move down your product catalog based on sales volume, carefully optimizing the same product data relevant to the individual item and category.

Prioritize Data Management and Integrations

A strong policy for how eCommerce product data is captured and managed is critical to search enrichment success.

  • Create processes for high-quality data capture, storage, and optimization. New products should follow these processes, and any products should have updated data.
  • Sanitize data to make sure all recommendation and search algorithms work effectively with the entire catalog. Data sanitization, or cleaning, requires removing outdated, incorrect, or incorrectly structured data, creating uniformity. 
  • Integrate and automate data management when possible. If configured correctly, automation can sidestep human error and significantly improve efficiency in mundane, repetitive tasks.

Additionally, APIs are able to get a wealth of eCommerce data from outside sources to complement your own data. Implementing the right data integration platform like Cluster gives you access to consumer preferences, market trends, competition pricing, and future predictions. 

Understand User Preferences

One powerful utility of search enrichment is delivering personalized results, which requires product data enrichment tailored to meet the needs of specific audiences. Evaluate your existing customers or leverage third-party data to align specific tags and product metadata with audience segments.

Your segments will vary based on your market but should typically align with expected preferences. For example, if you sell sporting goods, customers who search for sport-specific equipment should be shown more items related to the same sport. 

As you enrich product data in alignment with these segments and preferences, you’ll create more intelligent recommendations and search results. 

eCommerce Search Enrichment is Critical to Stay Competitive

If visitors can’t find what they want on your site, they’ll go to your competitors next. And you’ll be fighting an uphill battle to win them over if they find what they’re looking for from the competition.

eCommerce search enrichment calls for going beyond the legacy methods of exact keyword queries and leverages the latest technologies behind advanced personalization, product data enrichment, and multi-search capabilities.

Cluster is an industry leader in product data enhancement, market data integrations, and core search enrichment utilities. Our expertise and significant data estate in the eCommerce industry allow us to offer powerful insights that keep you ahead of your competition.

Are you ready to take your site searches and user experience to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about how Cluster gives you the tool to boost conversions and retain happy customers.

What Is Digital Shelf Analytics: Components, Metrics, & Best Practices

Digital Shelf Analytics

eCommerce businesses face a highly competitive, dynamic landscape of consumer trends, competition, and overarching market forces. Succeeding in this environment is challenging, and the difficulty is only increasing.

Marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart are where much of the battle for customers plays out — on digital shelves. In brick-and-mortar stores, a customer might consider several options on the shelf based on pricing and branding, then pick one and head for the cashier.

But digitally, customers have a wealth of data at their fingertips: reviews, price comparisons, brand reputation, and alternative solutions to their pain points.

So, how can an eCommerce business consistently win customers over and create lasting success? Digital shelf analytics — analyzing historical and real-time data about your products, unlocking new insights to refine listings continually.

We’ll be diving deep into what digital shelf eCommerce analytics means and how you can make it work for your operation.

What is Digital Shelf Analytics?

Digital shelf analytics are eCommerce businesses’ KPIs to track, refine, and predict their product’s success on eCommerce marketplaces. Purpose-built platforms like Cluster provide digital shelf analytics measurement, evaluation, and data-driven insights — allowing brands to refine or adjust strategies to boost sales.

KPIs and the components behind them create the baseline for understanding past and real-time performance. From there, the right platform analyzes the available data and provides valuable insights to optimize product lists, branding strategies, and ultimately boost revenue.

But what exactly is the digital shelf? Let’s briefly zoom out and explore the environment being analyzed by these purpose-built platforms.

Defining the Digital Shelf

The digital shelf is the online equivalent of the physical shelf in retail stores — it’s where brands compete to be picked by customers. Unlike physical shelves, digital shelves don’t always have a linear customer journey, like grabbing an item and going to the cashier. 

Instead, customers might add your product to their cart, explore other options, forget about your product, see your brand on social media, and finally return to the cart to check out. That example is still a relatively short customer journey; higher ticket items can take much longer to close the sale.

Digital shelves also include a range of touchpoints, like search engines, social media accounts, and your seller page, which generate a wealth of data that must be analyzed with digital shelf analytics software.

Core Components of Digital Shelf Analytics

A successful digital shelf that consistently makes sales and boosts revenue requires strategically refining several components of your products. A few of the core components to monitor and optimize include the following:

  • Individual listings: The heart of any product is its listing, the home of information, images, and specs about the product customers are looking for. Improving the different components of each listing has a significant impact on digital shelf analytics.
  • Product reviews: Reviews are powerful and critical user-generated content that gives your product social proof. Earning positive reviews takes time, as well as delivering consistently high-quality products that follow up on the expectations set by the individual listing.
  • Pricing: Pricing and promotions are fundamental factors consumers consider when weighing their options. Your chosen price needs to find a balance between profitability and competitiveness. Adopting the right pricing tools and careful messaging helps you price products that win on the shelf.
  • Search results: When someone searches “candles” on Amazon, Walmart, or other sites, the list of products appearing is ranked similarly to a standard web search. Using relevant, targeted keywords and continually refining product listings goes far in helping your product climb the ranks and stay at the top.
  • Branding: Your brand and related messaging help differentiate you from the competition — a critical aspect of boosting digital shelf metrics. Many products, like hair care, have a significant pricing range largely based on brand reputation and messaging. Determine the message you want to convey and explore how several elements of your listing can effectively deliver your message.
  • Overall experience: Customer or user experience is everything, especially in markets with nearly ubiquitous products. The speed of shipping, providing instructions, and customer support experience all add to a positive or negative customer experience. This experience influences reviews, customer loyalty, and word-of-mouth recommendations — or warnings. 
  • Analytics, evaluation and testing: Every component we’ve explored above influences KPIs related to digital shelves. The final component is evaluating them carefully and finding opportunities to optimize these components to land more sales. Tracking performance, gaining data-driven insights, implementing changes, and measuring their impact is the winning formula for competitive eCommerce marketplaces.

Crucial Metrics in Digital Shelf Analytics

What specific metrics and KPIs are important for digital shelf analytics? While your eCommerce business generates a wealth of data, not all are the focus of digital shelf analytics. Instead, the following metrics inform the insights gained from digital shelf analytics:

  • Click-through rates (CTR): How many people who see your product in search results or recommendations click through to see your listing and learn about your product? A high CTR often leads to more sales, making it a cornerstone KPI for digital shelf analytics.
  • Conversion rates: Out of people who view your listing become a customer? A high conversion rate directly relates to more sales, reviews, and growing brand awareness. Analyzing and optimizing product listings to boost conversion rates is a core focus of analytics platforms.
  • Customer reviews: What star ratings and written reviews are past customers leaving? There’s revealing information about how to improve or keep doing in these metrics. Digital shelf analytics software aims to derive insights from reviews.
  • Revenue: Is your revenue steadily growing over time? While looking at a single moment in time can help you understand current profitability, changes in eCommerce revenue over the life cycle of your products allow for deeper insights.
  • Search rankings: Are your products visible above the fold on an eCommerce marketplace? The ranking relies on enriching product data with the right tags, titles, and descriptions, refining them over time as results are evaluated.

Key Best Practices for Digital Shelf Analytics

Businesses are rapidly adopting digital shelf solutions, with the overall market size for these specialized platforms expected to grow at an astounding CAGR of 40.1%, going from $381 million in 2021 to $7.49 billion by 2030. Those who adopt the right platform and implement the right best practices will be set up for success now and in the future.

So, let’s break down these practices to help you gain an edge and set your brand up for even greater success with digital shelf analytics.

Regularly Audit Your Digital Shelf

Digital shelf performance analytics is intended to equip you with data-driven insights into how you can improve your shelf. You need to regularly audit your shelf to ensure you’re following these insights, whether that means changing prices, descriptions, or images. 

Sometimes, you’ll want to make changes to specific products based on your chosen analytics platform. Otherwise, create a schedule for auditing products and making changes to specific components to enhance core metrics, as your platform has informed us. 

Refine Product Titles, Descriptions, and Media

Similarly, pay special attention to titles and descriptions, as they heavily influence click-through rates and conversion rates. Even if this data is ideal now, consumer searches and requirements never sit still, so you need to continually refine them. Your analytics will shed light on the overarching trends and your current and past results.

Additionally, prioritize high-quality images and videos that showcase what’s unique and valuable about your product, along with establishing expectations. For example, videos demonstrating how to set up a tent can help ease consumer hesitation about setup processes, preventing negative reviews if they expect a pop-up tent.

Optimize Pricing and Sales

Pricing on eCommerce sites is one of the most essential components of a listing. The days of setting a static price based on your internal calculations are long gone — dynamic pricing that also considers the competition’s prices, consumer preferences, and prevailing market conditions is critical.

An ideal digital shelf analytics platform aggregates all this data and helps you modify pricing as necessary, informing even hourly changes if necessary to maximize revenue and conversion rates.

Solicit User-Generated Content

Reviews, ratings, and social posts are all powerful user-generated content that informs potential buyers about the experience they can expect. Not having enough reviews can harm your impression of possible customers, even if the ones you have are positive.

Ask for reviews once a customer receives your product; just make sure you’re in full accordance with the marketplace’s Terms of Service. Including a thank you card asking for reviews can go far in motivating reviews, as can a follow-up email.

Unlock Granular Real-Time Analysis with Cluster

eCommerce is a fast-paced, highly competitive world, regardless of specific industry. Gaining a slight edge over your competitors can have significant benefits, so imagine the rewards of a significant advantage. 

Digital shelf analytics is mission-critical for eCommerce businesses, and those that leverage advanced technologies gain an advantage over those stuck in the past. In the age of Big Data, APIs, and AI, leveraging the latest tools can mean the difference between success and stagnation.

Cluster’s digital shelf analytics capabilities go beyond the basics and provide real-time product tracking, market share, SKU-level analytics, and overall industry insights — so you always have visibility into the present and future.
Ready to increase click-through rates, conversions, and revenue? Book a demo today to learn more about how Cluster can help you gain a lasting advantage.

Why is Product Taxonomy So Important for eCommerce

Why is Product Taxonomy So Important for eCommerce

Product taxonomy is an essential element of any eCommerce business. It helps to ensure better navigation of products and can assist in search engine optimization, as well as product management. Investing in a well-defined taxonomy can pay off in the long run as it can help to increase visibility, rankings, and sales.

In the digital age, product taxonomy is more important than ever before. Customers expect a shopping experience that is easy and intuitive, and product taxonomy can help to provide this. It is an essential tool for any eCommerce business and should not be overlooked. Investing in a well-defined taxonomy can pay off in the long run and help to ensure a successful and profitable business.

What is Product Taxonomy?

Product taxonomy is the practice of organizing products into categories and sub-categories to create a hierarchical structure. This structure helps shoppers find the items they’re looking for quickly and easily. Product taxonomy is also known as product categorization, product classification, or product categorization.

Taxonomies are made up of product attributes such as color, size, material, and style. These attributes are organized into categories, sub-categories, and product types. For example, a product taxonomy for clothing might include attributes like color, size, material, and style, which are organized into categories like tops, bottoms, and outerwear.

What is a Product Taxonomy in eCommerce?

A product taxonomy in eCommerce is an organized system for categorizing products according to their attributes. It helps shoppers find the products they’re looking for quickly and easily, and provides retailers with valuable insights into customer behavior.

Product taxonomies are typically created and maintained by the eCommerce platform or by the retailer. A well-structured taxonomy is essential for providing shoppers with a seamless and intuitive shopping experience and can help to boost sales and customer loyalty.

Why is a Product Taxonomy Strategy Important?

A product taxonomy strategy is an important part of any business’s operations, regardless of size or industry. A product taxonomy is a hierarchical structure that organizes all the products of a company into logical groups and subgroups. It is used to classify and categorize products, making them easier for customers to find and for businesses to manage.

Having a well-structured product taxonomy strategy is essential for a company’s success, as it allows them to improve the customer experience, simplify product searches, and increase sales. Here are three key reasons why a product taxonomy strategy is important for businesses.

Improves the Customer Experience

A product taxonomy strategy is important to improve the customer experience. It makes it easier for customers to find the products they are looking for, as the product categories are clearly organized and logically structured. This makes it easier for customers to browse the website, as they can quickly find the product they’re looking for without having to search through an overwhelming number of products.

A well-structured product taxonomy can also help customers find related products and upsells. For example, if a customer is looking for a laptop, a product taxonomy strategy can help them find related accessories or upgrades easily.

Simplifies Product Searches

A product taxonomy strategy can also simplify product searches. Customers can use the product categories to quickly narrow down their search to find the exact product they’re looking for. This makes the process of finding a product much easier and faster for customers.

A product taxonomy can also help businesses improve search engine optimization (SEO). By organizing products into a structured taxonomy, businesses can ensure that their products are more easily found by customers. This can help them drive more organic traffic to their website and increase their sales.

Increases Sales

A product taxonomy strategy can help businesses increase their sales. By organizing products into logical categories, businesses can ensure that customers are presented with the most relevant products for their needs. This makes it easier for customers to find the products they need, which can lead to higher sales.

Better Recommendations

A product taxonomy can also help businesses create personalized product recommendations. By analyzing customer behavior, businesses can make product recommendations based on the customer’s previous purchases and interests. This can help businesses increase their sales by presenting customers with the most relevant products for their needs.

Product Taxonomy Best Practices

There are a few key best practices for creating and managing product taxonomies. The following tips can help you ensure that your product taxonomy is well-structured and effective:

1. Start with the customer in mind

When creating a product taxonomy, it’s important to think about the customer first. Think about the attributes that shoppers use to search for products, and organize these into logical categories.

2. Keep it simple

A complex taxonomy structure can be confusing and overwhelming for shoppers. Keep your product taxonomy as simple as possible to ensure that shoppers can navigate it easily.

3. Be consistent

Make sure that your product taxonomy is consistent across all channels and devices. This will make it easier for shoppers to find what they’re looking for and ensure that search results are accurate.

4. Monitor and update

Product taxonomies should be regularly monitored and updated to ensure that they remain accurate and up-to-date. This will help to ensure that shoppers always have access to the products they’re looking for.

Product Taxonomy Challenges of the eCommerce Retailers

Creating and managing an effective product taxonomy can be challenging for eCommerce retailers. Here are some common challenges that retailers face:

1. Scalability: Product taxonomies need to be able to scale as the business grows. As the number of products and categories increases, the taxonomy needs to be able to keep up.

2. Internationalization: If you’re selling products internationally, you need to be able to create and maintain product taxonomies in multiple languages. This can be a time-consuming and complex process.

3. Complex products: Some products are complex and have multiple attributes that need to be taken into account when creating a product taxonomy. This can greatly increase the complexity of the process.

4. Changing products: Product taxonomies need to be regularly updated as products change and new products are added. This can be a time-consuming process, and it’s important to ensure that the taxonomy remains accurate and up-to-date.

Differences between B2B Product Taxonomy and B2C Ecommerce Product Categorization

Level of detail

The primary difference between B2B product taxonomy and B2C product categorization is the level of detail. B2B customers typically have a more focused, specific list of needs, and thus require more granular product categorization. This means that B2B product taxonomy should be much more detailed, enabling customers to easily find the exact product they require. B2B product categories should be highly specific, and include sub-categories to further refine the search. For example, a B2B customer looking for a laptop may be interested in a specific model, processor type, or other features. A B2B product taxonomy should have categories for each of these features, so that customers can easily find the exact product they are looking for. 

B2C customers are typically more general in their needs and are shopping for a wider range of products. As such, B2C product categorization should be much broader, allowing customers to quickly find the items they want without getting overwhelmed by too much detail. B2C product categories should be broad but still organized logically, allowing customers to easily find what they need. For instance, a B2C laptop category may include sub-categories such as laptops by brand, laptops by budget, and laptops by use case. 


The structure of B2B and B2C product taxonomies also differ. B2B product taxonomy is often organized around the customer’s workflow, whereas B2C product taxonomy is organized around the customer’s buying journey. B2B customers are typically looking for a specific product to solve a particular problem, so the product taxonomy should be structured around helping customers find the products they need. This could include categories such as products by industry, products by application, and products by use case. On the other hand, B2C customers are often browsing and exploring products, so the product categories should be organized around the customer’s buying journey. This could include categories such as products by trend, products by lifestyle, and products by price. 


B2B and B2C product taxonomies also differ in terms of how keywords are used. B2B product taxonomy typically uses more technical and specialized keywords that target buyers at a more specific level, while B2C product categorization typically uses more general keywords that target a wider audience. For example, a B2B product taxonomy may use keywords such as “high-performance processor” or “rugged laptop”, whereas a B2C product categorization may use keywords such as “bargain laptops” or “gaming laptops”.

How Product Taxonomy Can Boost Sales

Product taxonomy can be a powerful tool for boosting sales. A well-structured taxonomy makes it easier for shoppers to find the products they’re looking for quickly and easily, increasing the likelihood that they’ll make a purchase.

Product taxonomies can also be used to target specific customer segments. For example, a retailer could create a taxonomy that focuses on customers who are looking for eco-friendly products. This would enable the retailer to target customers who are specifically interested in eco-friendly products, increasing the likelihood of successful sales.

How Can Cluster Help?

 Build and enhance product data efficiently to understand insights from channel to channel. Complete solution from catalog integrity and assortment to seller onboarding and more. Schedule a demo today.

Integrating Cluster’s API and Using ChatGPT For Product Managers

Cluster's API and Using ChatGPT For Product Managers

As a marketplace operator or product manager, integrating Cluster’s API and using ChatGPT can significantly impact your performance by streamlining operations, enhancing customer experience, and driving sales growth. Let’s discuss a few ways you can utilize these technologies:

1. Enhancing Product Catalog

Cluster’s ‘Product Details V2’ API can be used to enrich your product catalog with comprehensive product details. This means you can provide more in-depth information for each product, resulting in a better user experience and increased conversion rates. The API can fetch a wide range of attributes, giving your customers all the information they need to make informed purchase decisions.

2. Personalized Recommendations

With the enriched product catalog, you can use GPT-4 to generate personalized recommendations for your users. GPT-4 can analyze the detailed attributes of each product, along with the user’s browsing and purchasing history, to suggest products that the user may be interested in.

3. Automated Customer Support 

You can use ChatGPT to provide automated customer support in real-time. For instance, you can program ChatGPT to answer frequently asked questions, provide product suggestions, or help customers navigate the website. This can significantly improve the customer’s shopping experience, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

4. Content Generation

ChatGPT can be used to generate unique product descriptions, reviews, and other content for your listings. This can not only save you considerable time and effort but also ensure your product descriptions are engaging, accurate, and SEO-friendly.

5. Predictive Analytics 

The enriched product data can be used to identify shopping trends, anticipate customer needs, and manage inventory more effectively. For instance, by analyzing data such as which products are frequently viewed together, you can adjust your marketing strategy or stock levels accordingly.

In the realm of product management, the integration of Cluster’s API with the capabilities of ChatGPT presents an innovative solution. Steering away from intricate scripting, a more user-friendly approach involves demonstrating the utilization of a CURL command. This command serves as a direct conduit, allowing product managers to grasp the concept of transmitting it to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Through this method, they can effortlessly engage in interactions that translate into actionable tasks aligned with their objectives.

Here is the code:

curl –location –request GET ‘’ \

–header ‘X-API-KEY:

–header ‘X-APP-ID: 

Supercharging Warehouse Management: How Cluster API and ChatGPT Revolutionize WMS Efficiency

How Cluster API and ChatGPT Revolutionize WMS Efficiency

As a product manager for warehouse management software (WMS), you can leverage Cluster’s API and OpenAI’s ChatGPT in several ways to enhance your product’s capabilities, improve user experience, and create a more efficient and effective warehouse management system. Here’s how:

1. Data Enrichment

Use Cluster’s API to enrich your WMS with more detailed product data. This will provide your system with a deeper understanding of the products it’s managing, which can help optimize storage, picking, packing, and shipping processes. The Product Details V2 endpoint can provide crucial product information, like dimensions, weight, category, and other attributes that can be vital for effective warehouse space utilization and inventory management.

2. Improved Inventory Management

The enhanced data from Cluster can be used to better track inventory levels, predict future inventory needs, and inform reordering schedules. This is crucial in preventing overstocking or understocking situations and ensuring that products are available when customers need them.

3. Automated Data Entry

You can use ChatGPT to automate data entry tasks in your WMS. For instance, when a new product is added to the inventory, you can use GPT to auto-fill many of the product details using data fetched from Cluster’s API.

4. Automated Customer Support

Implement ChatGPT to provide automated support to your WMS users. It can answer questions about how to use the system, troubleshoot common issues, and even guide users through complex tasks.

5. Training Materials

You can use GPT-4 to generate training materials and tutorials for your WMS based on the most common use cases and queries. This can save your team time and help users get the most out of your software.

6. Predictive Analytics

Combine the enriched data from Cluster with the power of AI to predict trends in product demand. This predictive capability can help warehouse operators to better prepare for periods of high demand, thus improving the overall efficiency of the warehouse.

7. Efficient Routing

With detailed product information, the warehouse management software can optimize the routing of pickers within the warehouse. For instance, heavier items can be placed closer to shipping areas to minimize transportation within the warehouse.

Imagine a scenario where complex processes are simplified – instead of presenting them with a script, empower users to grasp the concept effortlessly by the below CURL command. You can send this command to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, interact dynamically, and achieve the desired outcomes effortlessly.

Here is the code:

curl –location –request GET ‘’ \

–header ‘X-API-KEY:

–header ‘X-APP-ID: 

This script will fetch product details from Cluster’s API and generate a brief storage instruction using GPT-4. This could then be used within the WMS to guide warehouse workers on handling the product.

Revolutionize Your eCommerce Strategy with Cluster and CommerceHub: A Winning Partnership

eCommerce Strategy with Cluster and CommerceHub

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, staying ahead of the competition requires a winning combination of innovation, precision, and adaptability. This is where the dynamic synergy between Cluster and CommerceHub comes into play, offering brands and online sellers a powerful duo that can reshape their strategies and drive unprecedented growth.

Introducing Cluster: A Wealth of Cross-Channel Insights

Cluster is not just a platform; it’s a game-changing solution that unlocks the full potential of eCommerce data. By bringing together granular, cross-channel market and product data, Cluster empowers marketplaces and online brands to create an exceptional customer buying experience. With an impressive roster of 17 globally tracked channels, including heavyweights like Amazon,, and eBay, Cluster offers insights that transcend boundaries and borders.

With over 1 billion products meticulously analyzed, and insights gleaned from more than 23 million brands, Cluster is the cornerstone of precision and actionable insights. By harnessing the power of over 80,000 digital POS data providers, it provides the most accurate and comprehensive eCommerce data available. This enables enterprises to make informed decisions, refine strategies, and grow their businesses exponentially.

CommerceHub: Elevating eCommerce Operations to New Heights

In the dynamic world of eCommerce, operational efficiency is paramount. This is where CommerceHub comes into play. Renowned for its prowess in order and fulfillment management, CommerceHub streamlines the complexities of eCommerce operations, making it easier for brands to manage inventory, orders, and fulfillment across multiple channels. With CommerceHub, businesses can optimize their supply chain and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Synergy in Action: The Cluster and CommerceHub Advantage

While both Cluster and CommerceHub offer substantial benefits individually, their true potential is realized when they are brought together in a cohesive strategy. Here’s how the synergy between these two platforms can transform your eCommerce approach:

Data-Driven Decision Making

The integration of Cluster’s comprehensive eCommerce insights with CommerceHub’s operational prowess enables brands to make decisions based on real-time market data. This synergy equips businesses to respond proactively to market shifts, consumer trends, and competitive dynamics.

Enhanced Inventory Management

CommerceHub’s advanced inventory optimization combined with Cluster’s in-depth understanding of product trends and market demands ensures that your inventory is aligned with customer preferences. Say goodbye to stockouts and overstock situations as you optimize inventory levels with precision.

Seamless Order Fulfillment

CommerceHub’s order management expertise, coupled with Cluster’s insights, enables brands to fulfill orders seamlessly across various channels. This results in improved customer satisfaction through accurate order processing and timely deliveries.

Customized Customer Experiences

Cluster’s insights allow you to understand customer preferences and trends in unparalleled detail. CommerceHub empowers you to translate these insights into personalized shopping experiences, building brand loyalty and driving repeat purchases.

Optimized Marketing Strategies

By leveraging Cluster’s market data, brands can fine-tune their marketing strategies to align with current trends. CommerceHub ensures that these strategies are executed seamlessly, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts.

Scalable Growth

The powerful synergy between Cluster and CommerceHub enables brands to handle increased order volumes without compromising operational efficiency or customer experience. This scalability positions businesses for sustained growth without operational bottlenecks.

A New Era of eCommerce Success

In a landscape where eCommerce continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead demands a forward-thinking approach that leverages data and operational excellence. The collaboration between Cluster and CommerceHub represents a paradigm shift in how brands and online sellers can elevate their eCommerce game.

The path to eCommerce success begins by uniting the analytical precision of Cluster with the operational prowess of CommerceHub. With this winning partnership, you’ll unlock the door to growth, agility, and innovation that will shape the future of your brand in the digital realm.

Ready to take your eCommerce strategy to new heights? Embrace the transformative power of Cluster today, and embark on a journey of growth, efficiency, and customer-centricity. Contact us today.

Powering Ecommerce Strategy Through Data & Intelligence: Why Brands Need Both Data Cluster & CommerceIQ

CommerceIQ and Cluster

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, brands that leverage data to power their strategic and tactical operations are destined to succeed. When combining the capabilities of two industry giants – Data Cluster and CommerceIQ, brands can achieve synergy that’s even greater than the sum of their parts. Let’s explore why and how 1 + 1 equates to 3 in this scenario.

The Power of Data Cluster: Comprehensive Ecommerce Intelligence

The Promise

Data Cluster serves as a leading SaaS platform for top-tier enterprises, enhancing online sales, market share, and offering unparalleled ecommerce market trend visibility.

Key Features:

1. Cross-channel Solution: Exclusive solution tracking sales across leading platforms like Amazon,, eBay, and more.
2. Detailed SKU/Brand Insights: Analyze SKU and brand data in real-time for actionable intelligence.
3. Tactical Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of sales, market share, and key ecommerce events ensures you’re always on top of your game.

Brands can harness these insights to quickly identify market opportunities, rectify problem areas, and outperform competitors.

Unlocking Ecommerce Mastery with CommerceIQ

The Mission:

CommerceIQ’s ambition is to create the quintessential operating system for ecommerce success. With its application of machine learning and automation across the ecommerce spectrum, it provides a holistic approach for brands to excel.

Key Offerings:

1. Digital Shelf Analytics: Real-time insights for over 700 retailers, allowing brands to optimize for growth.
2. Pricing & Promotion: Actively monitor and adapt to category price dynamics to always stay competitive.
3. Retail Media Monitoring: Harness the power of eRetail media to bolster consumption and category growth.

CommerceIQ’s strategic and commercial alignment ensures that brands can make decisions swiftly, efficiently, and most importantly, profitably.

Synergizing Data Cluster & CommerceIQ: Where 1 + 1 = 3

When brands integrate the capabilities of both platforms, they unlock unmatched potential:

1. End-to-end Visibility: From monitoring real-time market data with Data Cluster to utilizing the digital shelf analytics of CommerceIQ, brands gain complete oversight of the ecommerce ecosystem.
2. Proactive Strategy Formation: While Data Cluster alerts brands to emerging market trends, CommerceIQ provides the tools to act upon these insights efficiently.
3. Maximized ROI: Both platforms offer tailored insights, ensuring resources are optimally utilized for maximum return.

In Conclusion

In an ecommerce landscape that’s increasingly data-driven, brands that leverage both Data Cluster and CommerceIQ position themselves at the forefront. This collaboration doesn’t just add their capabilities together; it amplifies them, demonstrating that when it comes to ecommerce intelligence, sometimes the whole is indeed greater than the sum of its parts.

Make smarter, more informed decisions and watch your online business thrive like never before with Cluster, book a demo today.

How to Increase Sales With Data-driven Decisions

How to Increase Sales With Data-driven Decisions

Today’s eCommerce landscape is highly competitive. With more and more businesses competing to capture a larger share of the market, it is important to understand the best ways to increase sales. One of the most effective methods for doing so is to make data-driven decisions. The use of data-driven decisions is becoming increasingly important in the modern eCommerce world. 

Businesses are using data to make more informed decisions, increase customer engagement, and drive more sales. Data-driven decisions can help businesses understand customer behavior, target new customers, and optimize the customer journey. In this article, we will discuss how businesses can use data-driven decisions to increase eCommerce sales. We will discuss the importance of data-driven decisions and how businesses can use this information to make better decisions and improve their online presence.

In the world of online business, having a deep understanding of your customers and their behavior is crucial in maximizing your sales. This is where ecommerce data analytics comes in. By utilizing vast amounts of data generated from your website and other sources, you can gain valuable insights into your customers and make data-driven decisions to improve your ecommerce strategy.

What is Data-Driven Decision-Making?

Data-driven decision-making is an approach to making decisions that relies on the analysis of data from multiple sources. This data can include customer demographics, purchase history, website traffic, website interactions, and more. It is a way of using data to make decisions that are informed by the evidence, rather than assumptions or intuition.

Data-driven decisions help businesses to make better decisions that are based on evidence rather than guesswork. They can also help to identify key trends, understand customer behavior, and optimize marketing campaigns. This can be especially beneficial for eCommerce businesses, as they need to make decisions that are informed by customer preferences and the changing market.

The Importance of Data-Driven Decisions

Data-driven decisions are becoming increasingly important for eCommerce businesses. Data-driven decisions help businesses make better decisions by allowing them to understand customer behavior, target new customers, and optimize the customer journey. By utilizing data-driven decisions, businesses are able to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, which can help them make more informed decisions. Additionally, data-driven decisions help businesses understand the customer journey, enabling them to optimize the customer experience and maximize sales.

Data-driven decisions also provide businesses with the ability to target new customers. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, businesses are able to target potential customers with personalized offers and messages. This helps businesses increase their reach and attract new customers. Furthermore, data-driven decisions allow businesses to gain insights into customer preferences and buying habits, enabling them to better tailor their products and services to meet customer needs.

Using Data-Driven Decisions to Increase eCommerce Sales

Data-driven decisions can be a powerful tool for increasing eCommerce sales. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, businesses can optimize their online presence and increase sales. Here are a few ways businesses can use data-driven decisions to increase eCommerce sales:

Understanding Your Customers

One of the most important aspects of e-Commerce data analytics is understanding your customers. By tracking their behavior on your website, you can learn about their preferences, buying habits, and pain points. This information can then be used to optimize your website and improve the customer experience, leading to increased conversions and sales.


Data-driven decisions enable businesses to segment customers based on their behavior and preferences. Segmenting customers helps businesses understand customer needs and target potential customers with personalized offers and messages. Additionally, segmenting customers allows businesses to better understand customer behavior and optimize their online presence to meet customer needs.

Personalize Messaging

Data-driven decisions can help businesses personalize their messaging to meet customer needs. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, businesses are able to create targeted messages that are tailored to customer needs. Additionally, businesses can use data-driven decisions to create dynamic content that is tailored to each customer. This helps businesses increase engagement and drive more sales.

Optimize Product Pages

Data-driven decisions can help businesses optimize product pages to meet customer needs and increase sales. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, businesses are able to create product pages that are tailored to customer needs. Additionally, businesses can use data-driven decisions to understand customer reviews and feedback, enabling them to improve the customer experience and increase sales.


Data-driven decisions are also useful for eCommerce businesses when it comes to pricing. By leveraging data, businesses can optimize their pricing strategies to maximize profits. For example, businesses can use data to identify the best price points for their products and services, as well as identify the most effective promotions and discounts. Additionally, data-driven decisions can help businesses create dynamic pricing strategies that are tailored to their customers’ needs.


Data-driven decisions are particularly useful for eCommerce businesses when it comes to marketing. By leveraging data, businesses can identify customer preferences and target their marketing efforts more effectively. Additionally, data-driven decisions can help businesses create more effective marketing campaigns that are tailored to their customers’ needs. By leveraging data, businesses can identify the best channels to reach their customers and optimize their campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Data-driven decisions can also help businesses create better customer segmentation strategies. By segmenting customers, businesses can create more personalized marketing messages and campaigns that are tailored to their customers’ needs. Additionally, data-driven decisions can help businesses identify new customers and target them more effectively.

Test and Measure Results

Data-driven decisions can help businesses test and measure the effectiveness of their strategies. By using data-driven decisions, businesses are able to track the results of their strategies and make adjustments as needed. This helps businesses understand customer behavior and optimize their strategies to maximize sales.

Key Metrics to Track

To gain the most valuable insights from your ecommerce data, it is essential to track the right metrics. Some key metrics to track include:

  • Website traffic and sources
  • Conversion rates
  • Average order value
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Cart abandonment rate

Utilizing Customer Data

Once you have a deep understanding of your customers and the metrics that matter most to your business, you can start to utilize this data to make informed decisions. For example, you may use this data to:

  • Personalize the customer experience by showing them products and content that align with their interests
  • Optimize your website’s layout and navigation to improve the customer journey and increase conversions
  • Offer targeted promotions and discounts to specific customer segments
  • Improve your product offerings by identifying popular and profitable products

Visualizing Data for Better Understanding

Visualizing data allows businesses to make sense of large amounts of data quickly and easily. It also makes it easier to see trends and correlations between data points. Visualizing data can help businesses identify areas of opportunity, such as new markets, products, or services. It can also help them identify areas of weakness, such as customer service issues or inefficient processes.

Data visualization tools such as charts, graphs, and heat maps can help businesses explore and understand their data in more detail. They can also be used to communicate data insights to teams and stakeholders in an easy-to-understand manner. Dashboards are a great way to present data in an organized and digestible way, allowing businesses to monitor performance and take action when necessary.

How Cluster Can Help

Cluster tracks pricing and promotions across sales channels to present high-demand and relevant items, help understand if a product is in high demand given its category and see how or why your share is shifting. Book a demo now.

Competitive Intelligence: Achieving the Right Price Benchmarking

Competitive intelligence: Achieving the Right Price Benchmarking

Are you looking for the best ways to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace? Do you want to make sure you’re setting the right prices for your products and services? Have you been trying to find the right price benchmarking strategies to stay ahead of your rivals? If so, then you need to understand the importance of competitive intelligence and price benchmarking. Why competitive intelligence and price benchmarking are essential tools for any business and will provide strategies for achieving the right price benchmarking. 

What is Competitive Intelligence?

Competitive intelligence (CI) is the process of gathering and analyzing data to gain insights into your competitors’ activities and strategies. The goal of CI is to enable a company to make informed decisions that will give it a competitive edge in the marketplace. It can involve monitoring your competitors’ pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, product launches, customer service initiatives, and other activities. By understanding your competitors’ strategies, you can develop your own strategies that will give you an advantage.

What is Price Benchmarking?

Price benchmarking is the process of comparing the prices of your products or services to those of your competitors. This allows you to identify any pricing discrepancies and make adjustments accordingly. The goal of price benchmarking is to ensure that your prices are in line with industry standards, while still allowing you to remain competitive and profitable.

There are several methods that can be used for price benchmarking, including:

Online research: Utilizing search engines and industry websites to research the prices of similar products or services offered by your competitors.

Surveying customers: Asking customers about their experiences with the prices of similar products or services offered by your competitors.

Directly comparing prices: Visiting your competitors’ physical locations or websites to compare the prices of their products or services to yours.

Why are Competitive Intelligence and Price Benchmarking Important?

Competitive intelligence and price benchmarking are essential tools for any business that wants to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Price benchmarking is a vital process for any business looking to stay competitive in today’s market. By regularly comparing your prices to those of your competitors, you can ensure that you are offering your products or services at a fair and attractive price point. Without these tools, it’s impossible to know how to price your products and services effectively.

Competitive intelligence and price benchmarking give you the information you need to make informed decisions. By understanding your competitors’ strategies, you can develop strategies that will give you an edge in the marketplace. You can also use price benchmarking to make sure you’re offering competitive prices and to identify new opportunities for pricing optimization.

The Advantages of Price Benchmarking

Improved competitiveness

Regularly benchmarking your prices against those of your competitors, you can ensure that your prices remain competitive and attractive to potential customers.

Increased profitability

By identifying any pricing discrepancies and making adjustments accordingly, you can increase your profitability and boost your bottom line.

Better understanding of the market

Through the process of price benchmarking, you can gain a better understanding of the market and the pricing strategies of your competitors.

Improved customer satisfaction

By offering fair and attractive prices, you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Cost savings

By identifying areas where you can reduce costs, you can ultimately save money and increase your profit margins.

Strategies for Achieving the Right Price Benchmarking

Now that you understand the importance of competitive intelligence and price benchmarking, let’s look at some strategies for achieving the right price benchmarking:

1. Gather and Analyze Data

The first step in achieving the right price benchmarking is to gather and analyze data. You need to collect data on your competitors’ prices, promotions, and other activities. You should also look at industry trends and customer feedback. This data will help you understand your competitors’ strategies and identify opportunities for pricing optimization.

2. Use Automated Tools

There are a number of automated tools available that can help you gather and analyze data. These tools can automate the process of collecting and analyzing data, making it easier and faster to gain insights into your competitors’ activities and pricing strategies.

3. Monitor Your Competitors Regularly

You need to monitor your competitors regularly if you want to stay on top of their strategies and pricing changes. You should set up alerts that will notify you when your competitors make changes to their prices or launch new promotions. This will help you stay up-to-date and make sure you’re always offering competitive prices.

4. Develop a Pricing Strategy

Once you’ve gathered and analyzed data, you need to develop a pricing strategy. This strategy should be based on the data you’ve collected and should take into account factors such as market trends, customer feedback, and your competitors’ strategies.

5. Test and Adjust

It’s important to test and adjust your pricing strategy regularly. This will help you identify any areas where you can optimize your pricing and ensure you’re always offering competitive prices.

The Importance of Setting the Right Price

Setting the right price for your products or services is essential to the success of your business. If you charge too much, you may find that you’re not competitive in your market, and that you’re not able to sell as many products or services as you’d like. On the other hand, if you charge too little, you may find that you’re not able to cover your costs, and that you’re not making a profit.

When it comes to pricing, benchmarks can be incredibly valuable. They can provide a sense of what the market is willing to pay for similar products or services, and can help you to understand what prices are reasonable. Additionally, benchmarks can help you to identify areas where you may be able to charge more, or where you may need to reduce your prices in order to be competitive.

There are a number of different types of benchmarks that you can use to inform your pricing decisions. 

How Can Cluster Help?

Build and enhance product data efficiently to understand insights from channel to channel. Complete solution from catalog integrity and assortment to seller onboarding and more. If you’re ready to start growing your store with the most accurate cross-channel eCommerce data in real-time, book a demo with us today!

Private Labeling: What Sellers Need to Know

Private Labeling: What Sellers Need to Know

Are you an e-commerce seller looking to expand your business? Do you want to increase your sales and profits without creating a product from scratch? Private labeling may be the answer you’re looking for. But what exactly is private labeling and what do you need to know to make the most of it? 

The world of private label selling is an exciting and rapidly growing market. As a seller, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of private labeling in order to stay competitive and succeed in this industry. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what sellers need to know about private labeling, including the benefits, risks, and best practices for success.

What is Private Label Selling?

Private label selling refers to selling products manufactured by another company, but are branded and marketed as your own. This allows you to sell products under your own label without having to create them yourself. Private labeling is a great way to quickly and easily expand your product offerings without having to invest in the design, research, and development of a new product. 

Private labeling is popular among e-commerce sellers for a few reasons.It’s an easy and cost-effective way to expand your product offer without investing in design or development. Allows sellers to control the branding and messaging of your products, giving you an edge over competitors who are selling the same products. And it gives the flexibility to choose exactly what products you want to sell and when allowing you to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace.

Benefits of Private Label Selling

There are many benefits to private label selling, including:

Increased profitability: By selling private label products, sellers can often mark up the price of the product and earn a larger profit margin than they would with a traditional retail product.

Increased control over product selection: When selling private label products, sellers have more control over the products they offer to their customers. This allows them to better cater to the needs and preferences of their target market.

Increased brand recognition: Private label products are branded with the seller’s own branding, which can help increase brand recognition and loyalty among customers.

Risks of Private Label Selling

While there are many benefits to private label selling, there are also some risks to consider, including:

Quality control: As a private label seller, you are relying on the manufacturing company to produce a high-quality product. If the product is defective or of poor quality, it can reflect poorly on your brand.

Limited ability to customize: Private label products are typically mass-produced and may not offer the same level of customization as products that are manufactured in-house.

Dependence on the manufacturing company: If the manufacturing company goes out of business or experiences production delays, it can disrupt your ability to sell the product.

How to Get Started With Private Labeling

Now that you know the benefits of private labeling, you may be wondering how to get started. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Research Your Market

The first step in finding the right product for private labeling is to research the market. Take the time to explore what’s already out there and get a feel for the competition. Look at the products that are currently available and try to identify any gaps in the market. Are there products that don’t have a strong presence or don’t seem to be selling well? If so, this could be an opportunity for you to capitalize on.

You should also look at the trends in the industry. What products are gaining popularity and why? Are there any new technologies or materials that could be used to make a product more desirable? By understanding the current market, you’ll be better equipped to find the right product for private labeling.

Identify Your Target Audience

Once you’ve done your research, the next step is to identify your target audience. Who are you catering to? Are you targeting a specific demographic or a certain type of consumer? You should also consider their needs and wants. What do they need that isn’t currently available? What products could you offer that could meet their needs?

Once you’ve identified your target audience, you can start looking for products that they would be interested in. This will enable you to narrow down your options and make it easier to find the right product for private labeling.

Find a Manufacturer and Negotiate the Price

Once you’ve identified a product to private label, you’ll need to find a manufacturer. Visiting the manufacturer is the best way to get a firsthand look at the facility and process. You can get a better sense of the quality of the products and services the manufacturer provides. It’s also a good idea to ask for samples of the products the manufacturer produces, so you can gauge the quality for yourself.

You can also do this by searching online for manufacturers in your area or by contacting a trade association for referrals.

After it, you’ll need to negotiate a price. Make sure you get the best deal possible by negotiating for better terms, lower prices, and bulk discounts.

Evaluate Different Products

Once you’ve identified your target audience and the potential products that could meet their needs, it’s time to start evaluating different products. Take the time to really research each product and consider the pros and cons. Is it something that you can realistically manufacture and supply? Does it have the potential for growth? What kind of customization options are available?

You should also consider the cost of each product. It’s important to find a product that you can produce at a reasonable cost so that you can make a profit. Also, consider the time it takes to manufacture each product. If you’re looking to launch quickly, you may want to look for products that can be produced quickly.

Design Your Brand and Test the Product

Once you’ve negotiated a price, you’ll need to design your brand. This includes creating a logo, designing packaging, and deciding on a name.

Before you launch your product, it’s important to test it. Test the product to make sure it meets your standards and that it will be well received by your customers.

Best Practices for Successful Private Label Selling

To succeed as a private label seller, it’s important to follow a few best practices, including:

Research manufacturers carefully: Before partnering with a manufacturing company, research their reputation and track record for producing high-quality products.

Maintain strong communication with the manufacturer: Maintain open and regular communication with the manufacturer to ensure that all orders are fulfilled on time and that the product meets your quality standards.

Create a strong brand identity: Develop a strong brand identity for your private label products to help them stand out in the marketplace.

Monitor your competition: Stay informed about the competition and their private label offerings to ensure that you’re offering competitive products and prices.

Private label selling is an exciting opportunity for sellers to expand their product offerings and increase profitability. By understanding the benefits and risks of private labeling, as well as following best practices for success, sellers can take advantage of this growing market and build a successful business.

How Can Cluster Help?

Sellers can save time and get a positive ROI by utilizing deep learning to optimize their stores. If you’re ready to start growing your store with the most accurate cross-channel eCommerce data in real-time, book a demo with us today!